5/2/2/1 CON 0002 (2020/2021) APPOINTMENT OF A CONTRACTOR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORAGE FACILITY, BOARDROOM AND TRAINING FACILITY, RENOVATION OF BUILDINGS, WATER SUPPLY AND SECURITY FENCING FOR HEUNINGVLEI FARMER PRODUCTION SUPPORT UNIT (FPSU) IN JOE MOROLONG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY WITHIN JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY IN NORTHERN CAPE. Bidders must be registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and should have a minimum CIDB Contractor grading of 5CE or 5GB or higher. Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), Act no. 5 of 2000 read together with Preferential Procurement Regulations of 2017 is applicable . The 80/20 Preference Point system will be applied where a maximum of Eighty (80) tender adjudication points will be awarded for price and Twenty (20) points will be awarded for preference. Bids will also be evaluated on local content as indicated below. The stipulated minimum threshold(s) for local production and content for this bid is/are as follows: 1. STEEL PRODUCTS AND COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION Minimum Local Content for Steel Value-added Products STEEL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL COMPONENTS Local Content Threshold Fabricated Structural Steel Columns, Beams and Trusses 100% Frames Doors and Windows 100% Roof and Cladding Galvanised steel cladding and colour coated cladding 100% Wire Products All fencing products: Mesh fencing, fabric/mesh reinforcing, wire rope/strand 100% Gutters, downpipes & Launders Fabricated materials made from sheeting associated with roof drainage system 100% Minimum Local Content for Primary Steel Products Sheets (<4.5mm thick and supplied in coils) 100% Sections (Channels, Angles, I-Beans and H-Beans) 100% PLASTIC PIPES Product Types Stipulated minimum threshold Local content Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes 100% High density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes 100% VALVES PRODUCTS AND ACTUATORS Types of Valves Pressure Type % Local Content per unit Gate Valves Low Pressure 70% ELECTRICAL CABLE PRODUCTS Power Cables: Cables used for Power Transmission Cable products Stipulated minimum threshold Low Voltage 90% Bid documents shall be made available on the MONDAY, 01 MARCH 2021, from the offices listed below during the following hours: Monday to Friday 08h00 to 12h45 and 13h30 to 15h30. Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Offices: PRETORIA: KIMBERLEY Mr GI Sekwale/Mr CM Mokala/ Ms. R Goolam Ms. T Chubane/ Ms. E Kok 184 Jeff Masemola Street New Public Building (Sixth Floor) Pretoria Cnr Knight& Stead Street KIMBERLEY Tel: (012) 312 9876/ 8369/9315 Tel: (053) 830 4000 Cell: 079 529 4070 A non-refundable bid fee of R 200, 00 (Two Hundred Rand) per set of documents, is payable by CASH OR Account name: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Bank: ABSA; Branch number: 632005; Account number: 40-5400-6793; Reference number: 04009549 ENQUIRIES – TECHNICAL RELATED: Mr Mswakeli Matoti Mr Reaz Sayed Tel: (053) 830 4000 Tel: (053) 830 4000 Fax: (053) 830 4095 Fax: (053) 830 4095 Cell: (072) 722 0788 Cell: (071) 334 5254 E-mail: mswakeli.matoti@drdlr.gov.za E-mail: Reaz.Sayed@dalrrd.gov.za ENQUIRIES – SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT RELATED: Mr G.I Sekwale/ Ms R Goolam/ Mr CM Mokala Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development 184 Jeff Masemola Pretoria 0001 Tel: 012 312 9876 / 9315/8369 Cell: 079 529 4070 Gobusamang.Sekwale@dalrrd.gov.za/Rashida.Goolam@drdlr.gov.za/ Matome.Mokala@drdlr.gov.za A non-refundable bid fee of R 200, 00 (Two Hundred Rand) per set of documents, is payable by CASH OR Account name: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Bank: ABSA; Branch number: 632005; Account number: 40-5400-6793; Reference number: 04009549 A NON-COMPULSORY VIRTUAL TENDER CLARIFICATION MEETING will be held on TUESDAY, 09 MARCH 2021 at 11h00. There will be a Non-compulsory virtual briefing session. The link will be made available on the advert that will be published on the CIDB websit, Departmental website and National Treasury e-Portal; it can also be requested from this email: Gobusamang.Sekwale@dalrrd.gov.za / Rashida.Goolam@drdlr.gov.za / Matome.Mokala@drdlr.gov.za LINK: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTgwNTRjN2YtZTY1Yy00YzBiLThkNjktY2U5ODdjMmU2NGE5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221f792a35-02a7-4e3e-9e7a-ff40ae390cb6%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d3a919ff-d8a9-40da-b50e-d3327b0ec618%22%7d Tenderers are encouraged to be in possession of the tender document and be familiar with the contents thereof. NB: Tenderers are encouraged to visit the site and arrangements can be made with the following officials: Mr Mswakeli Matoti Mr Reaz Sayed Tel: (053) 830 4000 Tel: (053) 830 4000 Fax: (053) 830 4095 Fax: (053) 830 4095 Cell: (072) 722 0788 Cell: (071) 334 5254 E-mail: mswakeli.matoti@drdlr.gov.za E-mail: Reaz.Sayed@dalrrd.gov.za Closing date :THURSDAY, 25 MARCH 2021 @ 11:00 Tenders will be received on the closing date and time shown above. All tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the applicable tender heading and contract number, as well as the closing time and due date, and must be addressed to the CHIEF DIRECTOR: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, LAND REFORM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT must be submitted in the tender box situated at: New Public Building (Sixth Floor) Cnr Knight& Stead Street KIMBERLEY 8301 SUBMITTING OF TENDERS – PLEASE NOTE: Tenders can only be submitted in the Tender Box in KIMBERLY. _____________________________________________________________